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Terms and Conditions
By using this website (wordlinx.com) or any other service related to WordLinx (wordlinx.net, wx.cm, etc) you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions.

Anyone determined by WordLinx's administrators to have violated these terms will be suspended and/or banned from WordLinx and its related services. WordLinx's administrators have no obligation to provide prior notice or to provide an explanation. You agree to use this service at your own risk.

Site Content. WordLinx is a family safe network. We reserve the right to reject any website, link or image containing pornography, nudity, sexuality, spam, hate, racism, copyright infringement, illegal activities or illegal software. This includes (but is not limited to) sites containing adult related products or services. We do not accept websites, links or images selling or advertising cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapour or other related products. We also reserve the right to refuse any site that redirects to another address, has heavy amounts of advertising, breaks out of frames, contains pop-ups or resizes the browser to fullscreen.

Complaints. WordLinx is not responsible for the content, management, honesty or uptime of websites advertised on the WordLinx network. You agree to visit, invest or take part in other activities on other websites at your own risk. However, following a complaint made to WordLinx, we reserve the right to remove and/or blacklist any website, with no compensation to the advertiser for remaining unused advertising credits or time purchased. This includes (but is not limited to) the reasons listed in Site Content and/or criminal behaviour and/or other unaccepatable activities. Our decision is final.

Prohibited Activities. You may not artificially generate (or hide/mask the true source of) traffic, hits, impressions, clicks, visitors, visits or any other interactions by any means to any WordLinx link or website. Sources are accepted, approved, credited, blacklisted, blocked and/or redirected solely at the discretion of WordLinx's administrators. WordLinx has usage limits in place to protect system resources and to prevent system abuse.

Advertising. Products and services will only be supplied by WordLinx on receipt of full payment. All of WordLinx's products and services include advertising. If for any reason other features become unavailable, you agree to accept the WordLinx product or service as an advertising purchase.

Preview Images. If an advertising campaign has been created but the advert's web address does not load in frames, or the advert's web address breaks out of frames, a scalable preview image with a link to the web address (example) will be advertised instead.

Information. By joining WordLinx you acknowledge and agree that your information (name, earnings, etc) may be published by WordLinx on other pages on the site. Possible uses include (but are not limited to) referral competitions, prizes, cashouts, etc.

Abuse. We have a zero tolerance policy towards system abuse of any kind. Any person found to be sending unsolicited messages (spam) by any means, including (but not limited to) email messages, forum posts and text messages will have their account deleted. Furthermore, any person that sends threatening, offensive, spam or otherwise abusive messages to our staff will have their account deleted.

Refunds. Due the nature of our service refunds are generally not available. However, we will work with any member or advertiser on a case by case basis to resolve any issues.

Restrictions. You must be aged 16 years or older. Maximum of 2 accounts per household.

Earnings. Money can be earned with WordLinx by sharing links, visiting websites, completing tasks and/or by referring other members and advertisers. Commissions will only be paid when sufficient operating margins are available. This excludes (but is not limited to) special offers and sale prices. Any valid commissions from advertising purchases and upgrades are held for up to 30 days to prevent fraud. After that time, the full amount owing will be released and made available in your account balance for cashout or conversion. The total may be minus any reversed or refunded sales.

Rewards. When using our Rewards section you will visit exterior websites that are not under our control. You agree to visit and take part in other activities on other websites at your own risk. Any problems experienced while using exterior websites should be reported to the relevant website or service owner. Points earned from our Rewards section will be credited to your account immediately. Money earned from our Rewards section will be released and made available for cashout or conversion after we have received payment from the provider, based on the provider's specific terms of payment.

Inactive Accounts. If you have not logged in to your WordLinx account for 18 months (547 days) your account will be locked and scheduled for deletion 1 month (30 days) later.

Payments. You must have earned a minimum of $10.00 USD (ten US dollars) in order to be paid each time you want to withdraw (cashout) your earnings. The $10.00 USD must include $5.00 USD (five US dollars) earned from completed Micro Tasks, or include $5.00 USD (five US dollars) earned from Affiliate Sales, or include 10,000 (ten thousand) Share Points earned from sharing links. Payment from WordLinx can be requested once per month (once per thirty days). A maximum of $100.00 USD (one hundred US dollars) can be requested per cashout withdrawal. All requests must be manually audited, which can take up to 30 working days. Cashout limits are in place to ensure that funds are always available. Payments are sent via PayPal. It is your responsibility to submit a valid payment address when requesting payment. Invalid cashout requests (including, but not limited to, incorrect payment details submitted or Prohibited Activities linked to your account) will result in non-payment.

Processing Fees. Cashouts are processed via PayPal and Bitcoin. PayPal payments are sent in USD. PayPal will charge you a fee to receive your payment. Bitcoin payments are sent in equivalent USD so the amount you receive in USD may be more or less than the amount in USD that you cashed out.

Taxes. It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply to the income you earn from WordLinx. It is solely your responsibility to assess, collect, report, or remit the correct tax to the proper tax authority. We are not obligated to, nor will we determine whether taxes apply, or calculate, collect, report, or remit any taxes to any tax authority arising from any payment sent by WordLinx.

Our Service. You acknowledge that this service can be revoked at any time for any reason WordLinx's adminstrators see fit with no obligation to provide any form of compensation for money earned and/or products/services purchased. Although we make a reasonable effort to provide a high quality service, WordLinx's adminstrators do not provide any warranty and make no guarantees of any kind regarding the dependability, accuracy, uptime or timeliness of this service.

Liability. You agree that WordLinx, its administrators, its sponsors and its partners cannot be held liable for any expenses, damage or loss of information that may occur from the use of WordLinx or its related services. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold WordLinx, its administrators, its sponsors and its partners harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liability costs and expenses including (but not limited to) legal fees arising from your use of WordLinx and its related services, or your violation of this agreement or any third-party's rights, including (but not limited to) infringement of any copyright, violation of any proprietary right and invasion of any privacy rights. This obligation will survive any termination of this agreement.

We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notice. If you have any problems or questions, please contact us directly.

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